Friday, October 21, 2011

Product Review: Tonka XT Ricochet Tricksters R/C Car

I never had a remote control car in my entire life.  My 3 brothers always had them and never let me play.  My son had R/C cars when he was a kid and when I had my 2 daughters they were always surrounded by baby dolls and cuddly bears.  I wish I knew better.  The Tonka XT Ricochet Tricksters is an awesome R/C car.  My teen and tween girls played last night and laughed so hard.  Watching the car flip and make crazy spins.  The Tonka XT Ricochet Tricksters is for indoor use only.  The controller uses 5 AA batteries.  The vehicle already has 1 rechargeable battery. Invest in rechargeable batteries since the Tonka XT will run for 5-10 minutes after 20-30 minutes of charging.  The Tonka XT Ricochet Trickster goes forward, reverse, turns right and left, spins left and right, and giggles the whole time you are playing.  You can play with 2 other boys and girls because it has a maximum of 3 channels.  Each must be set to a different channel or you will have chaos.
I recommend the Tonka XT Ricochet Trickster R/C Car for boys and girls over the age of 5 for lots of fun and giggles.
I received a product sample, coupon, collateral or other special premium from BzzAgent.

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