Monday, November 19, 2012

Another Sick Day

Today is my first vacation day but it's not the way I would have wanted it. Since Friday I have had strep throat. Saturday I started sneezing. Sunday morning I had sinus pain.
This is not how I wanted to spend my staycation.
I had visions of me going to Y and exercising and taking advantage of the steam room and detoxing and praying.
Visions of me sitting at a local coffee shop and knitting and maybe walking around the mall doing some window shopping for inspiration before I head to the thrift store.
Unless there is some kind of turnaround, I'll be home knitting with some hot beverage nearby watching whatever craptv has going.
The positive thing since being sick is that I finished one book and started another. I also watched a few movies at home since I canceled our weekly trip to Girl Scouts and acting class.

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