Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My name is Maria and I am a Mom over 40

Last night while enjoying my popcorn sprinkled with nutritional yeast and looking through Wednesday's lesson plan, I received an email inviting me to join a group of moms in the SFV called moms over 40.
I was appalled! How dare they they invite me to such a group!
But then I realized 
It hit me like a Lego brick.
I felt so down that I was tempted to pop another bag of popcorn.
Just the words alone put me in a depressive state.
Mom over 40.
Then looking back at my over 20 years (!!!!) experience of being a mom the Lego brick came back to me like a boomerang.
It's not so bad.
I am looking forward to the next 20 years of being a mom over 40 with an empty nest.
In fact, in 6 1/2 years my youngest will be 18.  Which in my mind means I can do what I feel in my own time and at my own pace.  I know many moms who do that with kids underfoot but I am my mother's daughter.
A martyr, if you will.
I put my kids first in everything and I'm okay with it.  Now I'm not perfect.  I've made many mistakes over the years.
Perfection is not my game because honestly those who claim to be perfect with the organic foods, cooked from scratch have some serious probs, dude.
I'm all for eating well but sometimes I will buy that jar of pasta sauce or (gasp!) fruit juice with only 10% juice.
So yeah, I am a mom over 40.
I have the cesarean scar, stretch marks that looks like the map of freeways crossing Southern California, allergy to dairy and thyroid disease since the birth of my youngest to prove it.  And the promise from my youngest to put me in a nursing home where they will treat me like royalty because I wiped her butt clean when she was a baby.

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